
Preston Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

About Us

We are a small rural school set in the village of Preston near Wingham. We have 5 classes with 2 year groups in 4 of the classes and year 6 in a class on their own.


The school is part of the Dover, Deal and Sandwich Children’s Partnership Trust, a member of the Sandwich Primary Consortium Collegiate Collaboration and in September 2013 Federated with Wingham Primary School.


The school was built in 1906 and has been added to in the 1990’s. Adjoining the school is a large recreation ground, jointly owned by KCC and the Parish Council, which we have full use of during school hours. The village hall opposite is also used for PE lessons.


We have a happy family ethos, which respects the individuality of each child, encouraging every child to reach their own potential. The staff work as a team, with parents, to provide a secure and stimulating environment in which all children can develop into confident, caring individuals.


We provide a broad, balanced creative curriculum, have a very high standard of behaviour and encourage children to do their best in all aspects of school life. As a school we ensure that we maintain our ethos and continue with our traditions, such as our school ramble and Christmas tree walk, all of which add to our individuality.


Our strong, supportive friends group (FOPS) Friends of Preston School is an exceptional team who provide many resources and family events for the school. Visitors always enjoy coming to the school and comment on the welcoming friendly atmosphere.


We actively encourage a partnership between home and school and hope that you will enjoy being a part of Preston Primary School.
