
Preston Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds


The teaching of English is an intrinsic part of this cross-curricula approach and as such, much of the children’s learning relates to each unit. Texts have been chosen to complement the themes so that reading comprehension and writing skills are developed through them.

Whilst reading and writing skills are taught through the chosen topics and texts wherever possible, it is necessary to teach some aspects discretely. Bespoke personalised avatars support the teaching of reading skills in reading lessons. The children develop and build upon their knowledge of the following key skills.

Key Stage 1

  • word meaning
  • retrieval
  • sequences
  • inference
  • prediction

Key Stage 2

  • word meaning
  • retrieval
  • summarising
  • inference
  • prediction
  • relationship
  • word choice
  • comparison


In the Foundation Stage and key stage 1, phonics is taught systematically using the Read Write Inc scheme. This progresses into year 3 where phonic knowledge continues to underpin the teaching of spelling.  Grammar, punctuation and spelling will be taught in line with the national curriculum, building on the phonics teaching.


The majority of pupils learn to join their handwriting in year 2 though this is delayed or revised in lower key stage 2 if necessary. Presentation skills, including those that are computer- generated are an important part of children’s learning across the school.



Reading for Pleasure

We always endeavour to share the love of reading and have a wealth of books available to our children in our school library. The children visit the library regularly to borrow books. We also have 'Vinny' the book vending machine. The children earn or are awarded gold tokens to spend. The token are given for children demonstrating our school values. We have been involved in Busters Book Club which sets challenges for the children with reading minutes. We celebrate World Book Day and have a variety of authors visit the school. We also have a special place to read outside. To be cosy and comfortable sharing books with their friends or just to lose themselves in their favourite book. 
