
Preston Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Penguin Class

FLOURISH at home

Home learning is designed to sit alongside FLOURISH giving the children a choice of activity and how they wish to present their learning. We are always amazed at their wonderful pieces of work however elaborate or simple they are. What is even more amazing is the way the children present and share their their work with their peers. The confidence and the feeling of proudness they have answering questions and receiving praise.


Each term the children will choose one activity from the grid to complete.

Welcome to another exciting school year in Penguin Class. Year 23/24.


Enterprise Workshop

Bake Off technical challenge- brownies

Literacy make - Cities of the future

Exploring homes in the past- Making wattle and daub

DT project lamps- let there be light!

Globe trotting!

Scratch Wizz Kids

Bronze Age Workshop at the Dover Museum

This term we have been exploring light in science.

Marvellous Maths.

We made magic boxes for our make part of our writing journey, this inspired us when we wrote our poems.

All around the world in geography.

We have been using scratch in our computing lessons this term.


Would we like to Vikings ?????

Penguins adventures at Kent Life !

Penguins recreate Stonehenge # Biscuithenge

Marvellous multiplying!

What surface creates the most friction?

Using compass points to create our own islands.

Researching polar regions.

Fantastic Division!!

Creating atlases- Can you find the polar regions?

Our trip to Reculver. Fossil hunting and coastal erosion.

Literacy Writing Journey 'make' element Indian Jones puppets

We made Stonehenge !

Term 2

Stone Age Day

Cave Paintings

Term 1

Author Zoom session with Theresa Tomlinson 'Winners of Buster Book Club'

Exploring Robinsons Meadow for materials to make our own paint brushes.

Magic maths

Let's learn about light!

Exploring the past with artifacts! What did they tell us?

Welcome to Penguin Class!


The children shared their geographical skills when drawing a world map on the playground. Demonstrating their knowledge about the equator, continents and the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.




Penguin class have learnt all about how to create light in paintings with the help of one of our parents and local artist Mr Mason. The children were shown step by step how to create a picture, looking carefully at shading and colour tones to create the light. The masterclass has come at the end of the unit of work as the children have been studying these techniques in school. They have been looking the painting The Calling of St Matthew by Caravaggio that uses particular painting techniques to capture light. The children had a fabulous day as you can see from the photographs below.

Term 2

The children's learning has been bought to life this term by them being transported back in time to the stone age. The children spent the day in the forest building shelters, foraging for food, hunting wild animals, making stone age weapons and enjoying a stew. I wonder if any of them fancy being a stone age child?


In history the children have been looking at the Anglo- Saxons and everyday life. As part of their art studies they have been looking at jewellery and have designed and produced their own.

Thank you Sir 'Captain' Tom Moore


In science, Penguin class have been busy investigating magnets and magnetic force! We looked at how magnets are made. We then recognised that magnets have two poles – a North and South. We investigated what happened what we put two of the opposite poles together and two of the same poles together – they attracted and repelled! We investigated magnetic objects and which materials the magnet attracted and which it didn’t.

In history the children have been learning about the 'Vicious Vikings'. We learnt that the Vikings were great world travellers and traders. We decided to try and be like a Viking trader. First we looked at the Viking trade routes and the countries they visited. This included England and the far East. We then created our merchandise to sell(jewellery, wood, tin, wheat, honey, furs and spices) along with 10 silver coins. We then became groups of Viking merchants and went on journeys to trade. 

Saxon Brooches


This week, Penguin class have been learning about the different parts of the rainforest! We learned that there are four distinct layers; forest floor, understory, canopy and emergent layer. We went out into the playground to build our own rainforests out of natural resources that we could find. We made sure our forest floor was full of brown, dead leaves and our canopy layer was dense with green vegetation. Can you see the distinct layers of our rainforests?

Penguin class have gone to the Amazon rainforest!

We started the day by packing our kit. What would we need to survive? We made sure that we packed our first aid kits, our bug spray and torch so that we could see at night! We didn’t want to take any fresh food with us as we though that it might attract jaguars and tigers …

Next, we arrived at the airport! We had our passports with us and waited to be checked by two very grumpy customs officers (Mrs G and Mrs Severn)! We boarded our plane and flew fourteen hours from London to Rio de Janeiro. After we watched the safety video and the last checks were made by our Head Flight Attendant (Miss Crickson), we took off! It was a long flight but we had refreshments and soon landed.

We took a boat down the Amazon River and soon arrived in the rainforest. We knew we needed to make a camp base, so we decided to find resources that would help us build our camp. We then collected resources to take back to school to use to make our own jungles.

Back at school, we made shoebox rainforests! All of our rainforests were very different, one even had an orangutan nest!

Finally, we looked at what foods grow in the rainforest. We each had a plate of rainforests foods to try, which included mango, banana, ginger, rice and pineapple! We also tried some extremely sour lemon; some of us loved it!

Chicks in Penguin class
