Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds
For the last three years we have had very successful and interactive weeks focusing on one or more subjects within the national curriculum. This year we have decided to focus on the creative arts (dance, drama, music and art). Throughout the week the children will take part in various workshops and on the Friday we will be opening the gates a little early for you to view some of the pieces of art they have produced throughout the week. The competition to design the picture for the mosaic workshop was won by Lydia Coleman Y6. Her design has been adapted to be put together by all the children in the school during the day. There were so many lovely designs it really was hard to choose but Lydia’s design really did include all the aspects of our school; the values and ethos we believe in and follow. Well done Lydia! The runners up were Jaykob Stevenson Osborn Y4, Mia Pearman Y2, Aleks Bokcui Y3, Daisy Rayner Y6, Ava Margeson Y3, Hattie Fowler Y2, Beatrice Coleman Y1, Joseph Pinnegar Y2, Isabelle McManus Y5 and Chloe Smith Y6. Well done to these children. I have decided to have some wooden panels displayed outside with the designs from the runners up. Please look out for these in the playground.
Creative Arts Week 2020
Monday 27th Jan |
Art Masterclass with Mr Mason |
Tuesday 28th Jan |
Steel Pan Drum workshop |
Wednesday 29th Jan |
Mosaic workshop |
Thursday 30th Jan |
Divergent Drama group all classes to take part in Roald Dahl themed workshop |
Friday 31st Jan |
Dance Daze- C3 and 4 will have a Lion King themed workshop, C1 and 2 will have a street dance workshop and TOP class will have an Oliver Twist themed workshop |
Monday 3rd Feb |
Art Class with Mr Mason |
**Friday 31st January is a non-uniform day and children need to come dressed in suitable clothing for their dance workshops, so leisure or sportswear.**
As in previous years, a big thank you to FOPS who part-fund this week. Without their support we would not be able to have so much enrichment which really does bring learning to life and give your children so many wonderful and memorable experiences in school.
A reminder for the new term and year that we continue to monitor both attendance and lateness at the beginning and the end of the day. The school gate is opened at 8:40am, the children are supervised until 8:45 when they go into school. The school day begins at 8:50am. The gate will close at 8:55am and any child coming to school after this time is recorded as late. If you are going to be delayed collecting your child at the end of the day please could you let the office know. If you wish to discuss any issues regarding attendance and punctuality then please speak to Mrs Clements.
School Council Fundraising Day
On Friday 14th February school council will be holding a fundraising day. I have given them a budget this year for a project within school and set them a challenge of adding to this budget. On the Friday, as it is Valentine’s Day, the children are invited to come to school dressed in red/pink or anything with hearts on for a donation of £1. In addition to this they will take part in ‘Healthy Heart ‘challenges throughout the day for which the school council would like them to be sponsored. The children will all receive a certificate and a small gift for taking part. We will also be holding a heart themed bake sale for which donations would be gratefully received. The children are all very excited at the prospect of meeting their challenge and I am sure with your generous help they will succeed. On behalf of school council I thank you for your support. The children are working on flyers to advertise the event so please look out for them in their book bags.
Diary Dates:
Week beginning 27th January- Creative Arts Week
Friday 31st January non-uniform day
Friday 31st January FOPS Quiz Night
Thursday 6th February- Class 1 Young Voices at the O2
Monday 10th February – Home Learning tasks due in
Friday 14th February- School council fundraising day and end of term 3
Monday 24th February- Term 4 starts
Tuesday 3rd March- Parents Evening
Wednesday 4th March – SEN meetings
Thursday 5th March World Book Day – dress up
Friday 13th March – Sport Relief
Friday 27th March- Easter Disco Reception/Y1/2 6pm-7:15pm KS2 7:30pm-8:45pm
Friday 3rd April- End of term 4 finish at 1:30pm NO OWLS
Please note that in the calendar of events sent out in September 2019 there was a date for our Spring concert -31st March 2020. However due to the range of enrichment activities going on in school this year we have made the decision to cancel the Spring Concert.
Once again I thank you for your continued support that really does make the school a very special place for all of us.
Kind regards
Mrs Helen Clements